Save Our Strays Fort Bend home The Facts About Spray Foam Insulation

The Facts About Spray Foam Insulation

No better home insulator can save you money on expensive heating and cooling costs, strengthen your home, reduce harmful mold, and protect you and your family from airborne allergens and pollutants than spray foam insulation. However, it is important to know the facts before you commit to this type of energy-saving home improvement.

Spray foam is an attic insulation that is applied on-site by spraying two separate chemicals together to form polyurethane foam. The foam expands and dries within minutes, creating a custom air barrier to prevent the exchange of conditioned indoor air and unconditioned outdoor air that drives up your energy bills.

Sustainable Solutions: How Spray Foam Insulation Supports Eco-Friendly Living

A spray foam insulation contractor in Nashua can help you reduce your heating and cooling costs, improve the comfort of your home, and breathe healthier air!

In fact, gaps and spaces in your home that aren’t filled with insulation leak enough air each day to fill two air blimps. By sealing these gaps with spray foam, you can make your home more comfortable and save up to 50% on your monthly energy costs.

Spray foam is also an effective sound insulator and can help to keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. It can be installed in basement rim joists, crawl spaces, overhangs (or cantilevers), knee walls and bonus rooms. In addition to the energy savings, spray foam is long-lasting and a safe choice for homes with children or pets.

Quality Insulation
205 Hawk Trail #2, Winchester, VA 22602, United States

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