Save Our Strays Fort Bend Health Physiotherapy Clinic in Dandenong

Physiotherapy Clinic in Dandenong

If you’re experiencing back pain or a sports injury, physiotherapy is the way to go. It’s a highly specialised field and different clinics specialise in certain fields such as sports conditioning or geriatric physiotherapy.

Which area of physiotherapy is best?

At a dandenong physio, you can expect a personalised treatment from a qualified and experienced practitioner. These health professionals use advanced techniques to assess, diagnose and treat a variety of injuries and movement disorders. They work closely with GPs and other health clinicians to plan and manage care.

When you see a physiotherapist, the first thing they do is perform an initial evaluation (IE). An IE involves taking your medical history and doing a full body assessment. Your therapist will then create a care plan, begin treatment and teach you more about your condition. They may also prescribe a home education and exercise program or schedule regular appointments with you.


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